Children and their parents can also pray in the temple, in hopes of getting good blessings for the new year to come.
Issun-boshi's parents prayed day after day until a child was born unto them.
"I knew somewhere these young ladies' parents were praying to find out who did this."
When the sisters were young their parents had prayed to the gods to protect their daughters.
A 17-year-old working to fill a warren of holes in her academic schedule is the sort of young activist most parents pray for.
The parents then prayed to Our Lady and the next day the child was healthy once again.
My parents, you know, prayed all the time, took us to Mass.
Bary's parents have said that they are Muslims and pray five times a day.
Carly's parents are praying that the operation will succeed.
In a moment of desperation, the parents pray for their child to be saved.