Ryan said he plays Quake all day in the summer "even when my parents are screaming at me to get off the computer."
In election years, people suddenly become magnanimous and give money for things that parents have been screaming about.
And the parents were all screaming and making a fuss.
"Our parents scream at you and call you names," said the young man who played the father.
The parents of young racers screamed in agony: apparently you couldn't win without it.
Your parents were screaming at me all the time.
When parents scream at their children they attack their delicate little ears.
"I'm very happy with just having my parents scream for me back home."
The bleachers were packed with parents and other fans, including many boys, screaming, "Drive it!"
Monday, some parents screamed in the faces of board members that they were selling out the city's children.