When the offender is in position of "particular authority" or trust over the victim, including parental bonds, the punishment is also a life sentence for the latter two.
When the offender is in position of "particular authority" or trust over the victim, including parental bonds, the punishment is from 10 to 12 years of prison.
Until recently psychologists have chiefly focused on parental bonds.
Second father-a non-parent whose contact and support is robust enough that near parental bond occurs (often used for older male siblings who significantly aid in raising a child)
It is thoughtful, too, addressing issues like the quest for understanding versus the striving for faith and the power of the parental bond versus religious identity.
He was a pioneer in understanding and describing their inherent struggle: that of reconciling a desire to break free of parental bonds with a strong pull toward remaining dependent.
The vampires, who look cute from some angles and scary from others, are reported to have strong parental bonds.
He understood the parental bond.
Crane - Vigilance, close parental bond.
Older siblings can take on more of a parental role with younger siblings thus creating more of a parental bond.