Despite parental objections, Tina seems destined to be the next in line as custodian of the mystical tiger.
Discusses how they overcame parental objection to the doll's figure.
If she is lighting a candle, she will meet her lover clandestinely because of parental objections.
There may be compelling need to require all public school students to receive instruction about condom use - even over parental objections.
Despite parental objections, Coco moves in with him, leaves her job and throws herself into writing.
But she has also anticipated parental objections: "I'll have lots of paper towels," she said.
"Love and its Glory" was never a hit, but it is an epic love song of two teens struggling to be together, despite parental objections.
However, he quit academics to pursue a career in music, despite parental objection.
Even as a child cries out for another reading, the parental objections rumble inside.
Big Papaya is pursuing her dream in spite of strong parental objections.