An injection follows a parenteral route of administration; that is, administration via a route other than through the digestive tract.
Because most patients are unable to swallow at this time, transdermal or parenteral routes are employed most frequently.
Sixty-three (56.2%) of the 112 patient antibiotics used in BPI were prescribed by the parenteral route.
Fifty-one percent of the patients were prescribed antibiotics by the parenteral route.
Patients already stabilized on other opioids who have persistent swallowing problem and cannot tolerate other parenteral routes such as subcutaneous administration.
Dicloxacillin is more acid-stable than many other penicillins and can be given orally, in addition to parenteral routes.
Available in injectables for intravenous and parenteral routes.
In a study reported from South India [ 2 ] , 36% of antibiotics were prescribed by the parenteral route.
Hepatitis A can be transmitted by the parenteral route but very rarely by blood and blood products.
Nutrition is an early priority, with oral or nasogastric tube feeding being preferable over parenteral routes.