How you were parented Confidence in own parenting abilities.
According to the Huffington Post, the film cast doubt on Suleman's parenting abilities.
You would have to be quite impressively stupid to have parenting abilities that amounted to nothing in the face of a 5 minute long cartoon.
"The court is saying you have to look at parenting ability, not just stereotypes or prejudice," Mr. Elovitz said.
Little Mo is extremely hostile, seeing this as a questioning of her parenting ability.
This unusual tactic is a direct way for females to confirm the parenting ability of males who do not yet have any eggs in their brood.
The father does not challenge the mother's parenting abilities or impugn her capacity as a good mother.
When he gets together with other fathers, Dave feels confident of his parenting abilities.
Eventually, child welfare services launched an investigation questioning their parenting abilities.