These families must bridge the divide between the hearing and deaf worlds, thus facing unique communication and parenting challenges.
You may well breathe a sigh of relief when school days come along, but this age can still present parenting challenges.
You might not have the day-to-day parenting challenges anymore, but it can be tough to navigate a new relationship with an adult child.
You've guided them through their diaper days and the tough teen years, but maintaining a strong relationship with your children once they move out of the house just might be your biggest parenting challenge yet.
The dads, who are preparing Lily to serve as flower girl in a wedding, now have an added parenting challenge.
Offers a large variety of message boards which deal with parenting issues including infertility, pregnancy, parenting challenges, parents of disabled, pregnancy loss, newborn babies, toddlers, adoption, family issues, etc.
Cataplexy can cause serious social and parenting challenges because cataplexy can occur when one is attempting to discipline their child or when making love.