We had always shared parenting duties, and our hours didn't change much after she moved out.
Sometimes working 2 or 3 nights a week (your ex can share parenting duties) can give you a reasonable income - though not brilliant.
Although aided by a nanny a few days a week, Gisel has handled the bulk of the parenting duties.
White-naped crane fathers share parenting duties, and even the crocodile will protect his offspring if it calls.
May 13, 2011 - Fibromyalgia affects relationships, parenting duties, and life decisions of people afflicted with the chronic pain disorder, a new survey finds.
Following the birth of her first child, Matthew, Heather left full-time employment to take on parenting duties.
They get into a court battle in which everyone, including Cooper, says that she is unfit to share parenting duties completely.
In 1981 these roles were split and the parenting duty became the charge of 815 Naval Air Squadron.
Pipefishes, like their seahorse relatives, leave most of the parenting duties to the male.
This flexibility can give an entrepreneur more options when planning tasks, business and non-business, including parenting duties.