It was with deep sadness in 2003 when the parish came together for his Requiem Mass.
It was 1922 when the parish of Blackrock came into being.
According to the local folklore, both the town and the parish came into being in 1250, although official documentation to that effect is lacking.
Thus came to be born the national parishes of Québec.
In the same way, the former parish of Hohenstein now comes under the village of that name.
The parish came to view the implementation of God's words through his actions.
As a result, many parishes came to straddle barony and county boundaries.
The present parish, has come to include a large geographical area which extends from Ranmoor to the city ring road.
On May 6, 1966, six parishes from the area came together to discuss the building of a central Catholic high school.
The parish came into being sometime from 1536 on but the first clerical records related to it are later.