I said, "I know how and where Prima gets people into the country, and I've got a parish sheriff who is willing to make the case."
About 50 of the 300 coffins that floated out of the ground remain unaccounted for, said Theos Duhon, the parish sheriff.
He ordered militia officers and parish sheriffs to arrest all men who could not prove legal exemption or absence from military service because of furlough or parole.
Later he served as a British officer in Natchez, Mississippi during the English occupation and was a lawyer, planter, parish sheriff and judge, finally settling at Fairview Plantation on Bayou Sara in Louisiana.
The parish sheriff called for a posse to investigate and capture those who were responsible for the killing.
Your dad and Cherry said you're the front-runner in next year's election for parish sheriff.
But this rodent, which has survived all attempts to eat or skin or even shoot it out of existence - one parish sheriff sent his SWAT team after them - may finally be in real danger.
He called the parish sheriff.
Merlotte's is out of the city limits, so the parish sheriff, Bud Dearborn, would be in charge.
That was, of course, if she could figure out how to get rid of the monitor so the eternally vigilant parish sheriff didn't stop her before she was a mile from Dog Trot.