The park has fallen into disrepair, however, and water pollution problems have kept its beach closed for the three years.
It stood at 160 francs before the park opened, and has thus fallen a total of 66 percent.
During Robert's long minority, the house and park fell into neglect.
By the mid-1960s interest began to wane, as did support from the mining companies, and so the park fell into slow decline.
The park has fallen victim to the budget crunch in Albany.
The park fell into neglect after the palace had been destroyed by fire in 1924.
Then came the hard days of the Great Depression, and the park fell into neglect.
During this time the manor and the park fell into disrepair.
The park fell into foreclosure and was sold at auction in March 1915.
This park was a favorite spot for local neighborhood children and young adults, but fell into disrepair in the late 1960s.