It features a 126 hectare park-like campus beside a high-technology corridor.
In 1950, the property became part of the Greber Plan that envisioned it as a government employment centre within a quiet and secure park-like campus.
The university has a student body of 6,700, a 17:1 student to faculty ratio, and a park-like campus centered around Harvey Lake.
With a growing roll of 1500+ students from year groups 9-13, Waimea College is equipped with a park-like campus and numerous facilities.
Hilbert College is situated on a park-like 60-acre suburban campus that consists of 11 buildings and several athletic fields.
The library's park-like campus includes a children's garden, sculpture garden, and a series of gardens designed to spotlight native plants.
By 1959 it had relocated to a park-like campus in the northwest city along Liberty Heights Avenue.
The Centre's surroundings are a park-like campus on the outskirts of the city.
This "park-like" campus could include a foreign language institute, international student housing, conference center and central commons area.
Facilities are clustered and within easy walking distance of one another on the large park-like campus.