Fifty-three years old at the time, he called for an increased police presence and a binding decision on the city's longstanding plans for a parkway extension through green space.
In 1990, the Long Island Regional Planning Board proposed a new parkway extension to NY 25A in Cold Spring Harbor as part of a 20-year highway improvement program.
Suffolk County and the state also intended to withhold funds from any project that did not have the parkway extension.
She opposed a controversial parkway extension through municipal green space.
He supported a controversial parkway extension from Clonsilla Avenue to Cumberland Avenue, an area that covered municipal green space.
The commission sent a request in April 1938 to the State Council of Parks to have the state take over the right-of-way, after the state withdrew its support for the parkway extension.
The new parkway extension, which had a slated completion in December 1980, was bid on in 1978 and won by Yonkers Contracting Company for a total of $22.8 million (1978 USD) .
Economic improves of the parkway extension would include nearly 6,000 new jobs and over $2 million (1978 USD) in tax rebates.
During the campaign, he supported a controversial parkway extension through municipal green space.
Guiel opposed plans for a parkway extension through protected green space.