Supported internally by inclined columns, the cupola would have spanned the parliament chamber.
These arrests can be overruled by a floor vote of the particular parliament chamber that parliamentarian belongs to.
In German constitutional law it is not considered a parliament chamber, although foreign commentators tend to do so.
Later, "The Band" discovered that the roots under the parliament chamber were prone to transmitting any sound created in the chamber.
The ratification process in the Ukrainian parliament encountered stiff opposition and erupted into a brawl in the parliament chamber.
The Sala del Consell, upstairs, has to be one of the cosiest parliament chambers in the world.
This "oath" taken by Yushchenko in half-empty parliament chambers, lacking the quorum as only the Yushchenko-leaning factions were present, could not have any legal effect.
Both times the deputies in three parliament chambers were elected.
Commander Sela's words floated throughout the quiet parliament chamber.
Larkin, covered in bruises, pushed Daithin back toward the parliament chamber with all his might, nattering on about the end of the world.