There was a split between the parliamentary caucus and the party's executive that made it to the convention floor.
Two weeks before the election was called, Caouette had informed the parliamentary caucus that he would resign as leader in the fall.
By the mid-20th century, parliamentary caucuses were being told by their leaders that they had "no right to question what a leader did or said."
The newly formed party did not have a leader during the election, and Fox was subsequently chosen to head its parliamentary caucus.
In the first round, the parliamentary caucus failed to elect its new leader.
He remains a leading voice in the party's parliamentary caucus.
There was a split between the parliamentary caucus and the party executive on the convention floor.
In 1968, he was the only member of the party's parliamentary caucus to support Sidney Green's leadership bid.
Prior to that the leader of the party was chosen by the party's parliamentary caucus.
It was overwhelmingly approved by the party's legislators at their weekly parliamentary caucus this morning.