The parliamentary move followed six weeks without a suicide bombing in Israel.
Democrats have promised to use other parliamentary moves to bring Senate business to a halt if such a rules change is enacted.
Although this parliamentary move led to a filibuster, the senators eventually let it pass, preferring to concentrate their resistance on passage of the bill itself.
After complex parliamentary moves, the board finally approved them all - subject to cancellation if world events changed - and said that it would require informed consent from parents.
But he repeated his denials of wrongdoing and questioned the constitutionality of parliamentary moves to impeach him.
After a series of parliamentary moves, the Senate adjourned without resolving either the pay issue or the homeless issue.
That scandal was one of the early causes for parliamentary moves to impeach Mr. Wahid.
In a rare parliamentary move, the House considered and effectively approved only half of the Agricultural Credit Act of 1987.
Democrats made a parliamentary move tonight to try to limit debate and force a vote within days.
His coalition is expected to obstruct parliamentary moves for a referendum or a change in the Constitution, which requires a two-thirds majority.