To placate the Liberals, in 1870 Napoleon proposed the establishment of a fully parliamentary legislative regime, which won massive support.
Returning to a parliamentary regime where the seat of the powers will be the National Assembly.
The parliamentary regime introduced plans to expand the country's education, economic, and transportation sectors.
A CIA coup overthrew the parliamentary regime, restoring the Shah.
The emperor was retained, but the military was emasculated and a parliamentary regime had been installed.
A republican constitution was approved in 1911, inaugurating a parliamentary regime with reduced presidential powers and two chambers of parliament.
The era of one-man rule that began when hastily constructed parliamentary regimes collapsed in the 1960's was widely conceded to be disastrous.
Thus a proper parliamentary regime is finally established, with a two-party system and a bourgeois monarchy.
Goulart was also prevented by the military from assuming the presidency, being later allowed to take over under parliamentary regime.
There is first the idea that parliamentary regimes strengthen the resources of governmental power.