The regnal calendar ("nth year of the reign of King X", etc.) is used in many official British government and legal documents of historical interest, notably parliamentary statutes.
The bank changed its name in 1970, when the parliamentary statute was amended to grant the institution full commercial banking powers.
Swift decided that while the ticket bound Nunan, his widow was right in saying that the clause did not affect parliamentary statute, and he awarded her £800.
As a result of the efforts, parliamentary statutes of 1607, 1609 and 1635 recognized the Orthodox religion again, as one of the two equal Eastern churches.
The Royal Charter transforms the BBC into a public service corporation, deriving its authority from a Royal Charter not from a parliamentary statute.
In contrast to the other courts of England the law used in ecclesiastical matters is at least partially a civil law system, not common law, although heavily governed by parliamentary statutes.
If on a sufficiently important and general subject of governance, furthermore, that new parliamentary statute becomes a part of the Constitution.
In all except doctrine, the king was the effective head of the English church long before Henry VIII assumed it by parliamentary statute.
Residents living outside of Reykjavík soon complained that there were no signs of the local branches promised in the parliamentary statute.
Inclosure is the name given to the parliamentary statute thus created.