Her four-party bloc gained a majority of 89 seats in the 179-seat parliament against 86 for the sitting Prime Minister and his center-right parliamentary supporters.
By mid-1953 a mass of resignations by Mossadegh's parliamentary supporters reduced parliament below its quorum.
Rutskoy, Ruslan Khasbulatov, and the other parliamentary supporters surrendered and were immediately arrested and jailed.
It attempts to unite various parliamentary supporters of Álvaro Uribe, the Uribistas, in one political party.
Nicholas returned to England at the Restoration and duly took office as Secretary of State along with William Morice, a former parliamentary supporter.
In 1961, Desjardins emerged as one of the leading parliamentary supporters of government funding for private and denominational schools.
St John circulates it among parliamentary supporters, and James is arrested as a result.
But this should not divert any of the candidates and their parliamentary supporters from getting on with their principal role as opposition MPs, challenging the coalition.
He was considered by some of his parliamentary supporters to be a possible replacement for Premier Harry Atkinson.
He is considered the first parliamentary supporter of John Wren.