In his commentaries, Amrullah Saleh also discusses the negative influence of parochial politics and lack of incentives on the development of the Afghan National Security Forces.
Mr. Yaroslavsky said the way the board is made up creates "parochial, petty politics and vindictive politics."
But if Congress allows states like Delaware to continue placing the imperative of parochial politics before national economic good sense, then we will all lose.
So a lot of it is simply that: the parochial politics.
Rather, it blamed "a confluence of parochial politics and a narrowly focused strategies of facilities and budget staff."
Will America's defense spending be determined by the national interest or by parochial politics?
This means that it is out of the question for every country to continue to insist on its individual privileges against a background of parochial politics.
Mr. Booker battled impressively against Newark's parochial politics.
Le Caouain purportedly lived with his wife, Marie Hibou in the attic of the printshop and flew round the parish halls reporting on parochial politics.
The North Point celebrations focused on local parochial politics.