The mechanical parts act in such a way as to form a varying electrical circuit.
Mechanical parts act as a transmission line for mechanical vibrations.
I suffered great deal and I used my will to make inactive parts act.
By analyzing them, one discovers how the parts act together to produce larger phenomena.
Most new actors play a part in high school and college plays or act with local groups.
A This scenario is actually much more common than you think - no part of the body acts in isolation.
The other part, maybe I don't say the right things or act the way somebody wants me to.
The greater part of the men, discouraged, their spirits worn by the turmoil, acted as if stunned.
A single representation would also insure that all parts of the brain acted on the same information.
The second part of the 1986 tax reform act that went into effect Jan. 1 probably affects more people throughout the state than any other new law.