Patients receive primary medical care as part of a holistic treatment for mental illness connecting mental, emotional and physical health.
Well connected with city bus services to all major parts of the city.
They studied the way in which the separate parts of the chair connect to form a whole.
So what that the physical part of our relationship doesn't quite connect?
Its individual parts connect none too well, though there are just enough funny lines to keep you thinking things will get better.
The duodenum, or the first part of the small intestine, connects to the stomach.
Nevertheless, he does recognize that part of his job is connecting with a public.
It's a people business, and part of it is connecting with the people.
The northwestern part of the lakes connect directly to the Ringvaart, which sees significant commercial shipping.
An integral part of campus life, such events connect students to the larger community of artists, art, and contemporary ideas.