If you're never still or quiet enough, then the deepest part of you never emerges.
One part of the building slides under an adjoining bridge; another emerges from a reflecting pool.
Instead, she suggests that she has simply "let a part of myself emerge."
There is often the sensation that only a part of the figures have emerged and that the rest are behind the dark paint.
The first part of the report emerged in 2008 but included no timetable or cost projections, since the decision for further excavation is a political one.
The interesting part emerges when we consider how well each one supported the other when he was not captain.
Some parts of the world were still emerging from the caves, so to speak.
After World War II each part of the city emerged as a cultural center in its own right.
Perhaps when that part of myself emerges, I will not long for the presence of my daughter with such an ache.
Only 1 part in 5,825 of the uranium feed emerged as final product.