Systems thinking - the ability to see how parts interact with the whole (big picture thinking)
But if certain parts of the universe never interacted, then why is there so smooth a blend?
They show how the different parts of a data model interact with each other.
He believes complexity can emerge spontaneously in any system in which many parts interact according to certain rules.
The economy has too many complicated moving parts, and despite all the sophisticated forecasting techniques, too little is known about how the parts interact.
Her favorite part of the job was interacting with immigrant customers, who came in many sizes, shapes, accents and styles.
It attempts to demonstrate how constituent parts and their activities interact causally to explain the capacities of a given phenomenon.
Since the various parts of the network must interact, so must the OSSs.
Often, the way these parts fit together and interact with each other is then examined.
Every part is inseparable from and interacts with every other part.