Medals won as part of Australasia are excluded from the above table.
The following parts of the building must be excluded:
The Northern part of the island is excluded from the Customs Union.
To ensure that even the poorer parts of the city were not excluded, bands played simultaneously at 28 locations across The Hague.
At close distances however, parallax errors were encountered and some cameras also included an indicator to show what part of the composition would be excluded.
No part of this country should be excluded from leadership because everyone has everybody has something to offer.
Even if they did, large parts of the country might be excluded, which would jeopardize the legitimacy of the vote, they warned.
These parts were reluctantly excluded from the first edition by Brinkmann as the publisher thought the book was too extensive.
Senator Helms said, "The part of nuclear weaponry that kills people and destroys property are excluded."
The normal parliamentary process has been set aside, and significant parts of Parliament, including our group, have been excluded from influence.