A part of the population managed to flee the island, but those who didn't were either sold into slavery or killed.
Only a small part of the 2,400-strong community in 1941 managed to survive the Holocaust.
A key part of their role is managing the annual social, environmental and ethical audit process and producing this report.
Despite this remarkable feat, Spartacus and part of his army still managed to break out.
This part of the operating system creates and manages page tables.
Over the next two days parts of the other three divisions also managed to escape.
"We lose a percentage point or two throughout the year," he said, adding that the most labor-intensive part of the operation is managing the units.
A part of the population managed to depart to Greece.
An overwhelmingly huge part of what Harvard is about is managing its money.
He is quickly killed by Kukuri, however one part of its head "scholastica" manages to flee.