The last part of Fafhrd's call was in a voice so infused with a mingled awe and excitement that the Mouser immediately asked back down, "What?
New research today as part of the Prime Minister's call for a happiness index shows we are content with our lives.
In April 2007 the Zayed House for Islamic Culture held a seminar on cultural diversity and civilized communication, as part of the country's call for religious tolerance.
Here, too, Obama showed that he won't allow tempting rhetoric to undermine what's possible, what's real, which is part of his call to a "new era of responsibility."
The vote to accept the budget was deemed invalid, however, because approving a full budget was not part of Willis's initial call for a special session.
For a long time Sara was simply a part of her call.
The picketing was part of the group's call to boycott British films and products, and had little to do with "Mine Own Executioner" in itself.
Justice Burton's view: "This is distinctly alarmist, and part of Mr Gore's 'wake-up call'.
Only the first part of his call was released, and Mr. Scoppetta said that when he asked aides to locate the chief's conversation with the second dispatcher, they found eight other calls.
As part of her call, she claimed that the right to bear arms would transform women into citizens.