The battered lantern that he had purchased with part of his day's earnings cast an uncertain light across the room.
He used part of his earnings from the film to buy a taxi for his brother.
This makes them, together with the unpaid family workers, part of the vulnerable employment and its earnings is weak compared to the wage one.
Bonuses make up an important part of their total annual earnings.
They were first released in 2005 by Mattel, forming an important part of their earnings that year.
They saved a large part of her earnings.
The caporegime's soldiers give part of their earnings to the him, and then he gives a share to the underboss.
She sends part of her earnings home to help out the family.
All tips are counted as part of your earnings and must be declared.
A pimp is an agent (usually male) for prostitutes who collects part of their earnings.