Isn't that part of your marketing and detailing costs?
Loss leaders can be an important part of companies' marketing and sales strategies, especially during dumping campaigns.
The Olympics has to be the central part of your marketing.
The challenging economic backdrop has meant that major corporations have begun outsourcing significant parts of their marketing.
As part of the film's marketing 'Booty Sweat' has been made into a real life energy drink.
By the 1930s, nearly every team had distinctive logos, letters or the team nickname on their home shirts, as part of the team's marketing.
Destiny's Child has made the elementary-school crowd a crucial part of its marketing.
But the "Huntsman daughters" ended up being a much bigger part of the candidate's marketing.
The first trailer was released as part of the game's post-release marketing on 20 December 2005.
Personalization is a crucial part of Scion's marketing and design.