No, I can't fault that part of his reasoning.
Suleman states that part of her reasoning for attempting a sixth pregnancy was so that the frozen embryos would not be destroyed.
Bukharin had already indicated a part of his reasoning when he proposed that political economy as a subject of study would disappear under socialism, because:
I think part of their reasoning was to draw some attention to the place.
(Though I hope that part of your reasoning involves support for robust domestic-partnership options.)
Perhaps that's part of Connie's reasoning?
Q. But that was not part of your reasoning based on what you just said when you said, "I can do it."
"I guess part of my reasoning is an offshoot of the issues I had with your father, transferring that dislike to you now that he's dead."
In this speech, Cassius reveals part of his reasoning for desiring to assassinate Caesar, and we begin to see his true character.
But yes, part of our reasoning or rationale for these changes is that these young men are hitting the ball a lot longer.