International trade makes up a large part of the Canadian economy, particularly of its natural resources.
Although Foz was previously a fishing village, now the major part of its economic resources is from tourism.
"So they are an underrated part of the nation's intellectual resources."
They also run a speaker programme, providing researchers to speak at schools across Britain, as part of their resources for teachers.
Bethune wrote later, "I considered cash money as the smallest part of my resources.
These plans are part of a major restructuring effort that has been necessitated by the financial downturn and the organization's dwindling resources.
You can rest assured that we will devote a good part of our resources to this, always depending, as I have said, on the security situation.
Ireland is presently experiencing strong economic growth and part of our resources must be invested in alternative waste management schemes.
We are making use of only a small part of our physical and mental resources.
The association applies a large part of its resources to the actual detection of copyright infringements.