During part of his tenure in the Senate, Fannin sat at the candy desk.
However the latter part of his tenure from 1988 onwards was less successful.
However, the latter part of his tenure saw increasing focus on the Vietnam War, which he supported.
He must have done something right because he lasted four years and received a $10,000 bequest, even though part of his tenure was stormy.
During part of his tenure in the Senate, Thomas sat at the Candy desk.
Those of us who were there - for all or part of Roone's tenure - will confirm this amendment.
During part of her tenure at the magazine, she also wrote a syndicated column, "Young Living."
Stevens also worked as an official scorer for baseball games during part of his tenure at the Chronicle, and again after he retired from the paper.
I have already said that the review of the constitution during the early part of the new government's tenure will be key.
They worked with the band during most of the 1980s through part of the band's most successful tenure.