So we impute all this extra stuff in our minds that's part of the category.
Usually those that don't fit into the groups above are part of the golden category, which consists of anyone 24 to 34.
Set up your sub-heads so that they are obviously a part of the same category and easily identify topic changes.
Movies are treated separately by the law as part of the category "audiovisual works".
They are part of the broader category of "enforcement strength," which includes those on patrol.
"That helped convince us it was more important to stake out a part of the category that can belong to us."
Glogster is a part of the Creating category in Bloom's Technology Taxonomy.
(Why, for instance, include just one letter from a man to another man, if you're going to acknowledge that such letters should be part of the category?)
In the end, many people may find that their relatives are part of the largest category of all, the missing.
As such, it is considered part of the larger category of therapy.