But at least part of the blame rests with New York officials themselves, lawmakers from both parties say.
Now upon the belief that there is a People rests a large part of the political organisation of the modern world.
There, some deep part of me rested; in the morning I woke to the sound of women beating their laundry by the lake.
Whitehead's parts don't rest on story or character.
Another part rests on faith that the future can't be worse than the recent past.
I think a large part of Scholes's reputation rests on what other highly acclaimed players have to say about his abilities.
No one doubts that a big part of the problem rests in the United States and other foreign countries.
A central part of her theory rests on the idea that people in minority cultures have autonomy.
And when the vocal part rested on some sustained high note, her tone was radiant.
A large part of their father's defense rested on their testimony.