The mass reports of sexual abuse in daycare centers apparently began with teenage girls working as part-time aides crying wolf at the same time in Delaware and California.
"The biggest problem is the noise," said Deborah Friedland, who has a part-time aide to assist her in teaching 32 kindergarteners at P.S. 19.
Gail Corrado, who teaches a kindergarten of 44 along with Sharon Selwyn, a 30-year veteran, and two part-time aides, said she preferred the flexibility allowed by team teaching.
Students in Kindergarten and grades 1-2 are assisted by part-time instructional aides.
For the 2011-12 school year the district laid off 12 teachers and eliminated 30 full-time and part-time aides, three custodians and two administrative positions.
The town supervisor at the time, John Dudek, was also working on Mr. Bruno's staff as a $288.46-a-week part-time aide.
He is a retired New York City detective and part-time aide to Cameron Alden in the County Legislature.
He has had to make decisions ranging from ordering carpet to how to spend the $475,000 each member is granted to pay up to 18 full-time and four part-time aides.
Ms. Azumbrado had budgeted for even more part-time aides and had sliced administrative costs to the bone.
And although an additional teacher might have been preferable, Mr. Spacek says he is content to have a part-time aide who divides her attention among several classes.