But after two years, she became pregnant again and asked to continue the part-time arrangement.
There are part-time arrangements.
However, Counterpoint wanted only a part-time arrangement, and negotiations ultimately fell through.
Next, he created a more economical, part-time arrangement with his bookkeeper.
Now, because Ms. Vieira is pregnant again and CBS refused to extend the part-time arrangement, she has become a news item herself.
The earnings potential is uncertain, and she has no health benefits under this new part-time arrangement, relying instead on her husband's.
Meanwhile, 50 percent more have established work practices such as flexible hours and leave policies, job-sharing and voluntary part-time arrangements that can help working parents in caring for their children.
It began as a part-time arrangement paying $46,980 a year, and expenses, but within months turned into a full-time job at $79,980 a year.
These part-time arrangements, agencies say, are becoming increasingly popular.
Marcia Walley, 27, is a management consultant at a Boston firm she chose partly because it offers flexible part-time arrangements and generous parental leave to women with children.