The food and clothing superstore Asda has 160 part-time in-store chaplains in its stores across the UK.
Even so, it figures Mr. Tyson and the 15 part-time chaplains he retains and supervises at company operations around the country are, on balance, a financial drain.
They are organised by the college's part-time chaplain, who is assisted by student chapel wardens.
A typical workhouse accommodating 225 inmates had a staff of five, which included a part-time chaplain and a part-time medical officer.
Following pastorates at Croydon Park and Warragamba (1979-1983), he served as a part-time industrial chaplain until 1992.
A chaplain who is a part-time laundry officer, or a laundry officer who is a part-time chaplain?
The rest of the charity's presence is made up of part-time or full-time chaplains, who offer on board support services to seafarers.
Marketplace Ministries, with 1,351 part-time chaplains on the payroll, added 350 chaplains this year, Mr. Stricklin said.
Another board member, Rabbi Joseph Potasnik, is paid $20,833 a year as a part-time Jewish chaplain of the city's Fire Department.