The School stages three productions for each part-time class during the year.
In 1984 about 70 percent of China's factories and enterprises supported their own part-time classes, which often were referred to as workers' colleges.
The students can attend part-time or full-time classes.
The regime at Woodhill includes full-time and part-time classes.
My mother retired several years ago and enrolled in part-time classes for a horticultural degree.
It claims to be the first business school in the area to provide part-time classes.
During the 1937-38 academic year, the School's students numbered 251 (including part-time and evening classes), while by 1949-50, that number had grown to 415 students.
The training to become an emergency medical technician is rigorous and consumes four months of part-time classes, not to mention home study.
The Open Studies programme offers over 400 part-time, weekly classes each year.
Even so, Ms. Wallace was caught short this pay period when she resumed her college education with part-time classes.