Maravich adjusted to a new role as part-time contributor, giving Boston a "hired gun" off the bench.
But he added that the allegations had no broader implications for The Post, and noted that Mr. Stern was a part-time contributor.
He said the agency had always bought newsworthy pictures from individuals and part-time contributors known as stringers.
Benét was also a part-time contributor for the early Time magazine.
Meanwhile, various other writers departed or became part-time contributors due to other engagements.
Prior to that, he wrote for Beep as a part-time contributor until he was invited into the company by senior staff.
The Soviet Union is covered by a network of part-time contributors.
Douglas remained on as a part-time contributor.
In addition to the four main staff members there are four part-time contributors to RMNB.
Mr. Geimann said that U.P.I. has about 450 full-time employees and another 2,000 part-time contributors throughout the world.