He is proving to be a splendid part-time helper, albeit several shades too "Red" for my taste.
A part-time helper, Brad Reybold, in his first year working with the team after wrestling in tough Pennsylvania competition, has been impressed.
Beyond a few part-time helpers, they work in the fields themselves, planting and weeding, preferably side by side.
Pidgeon went to get Ribajil, the French bum and his part-time helper.
The three full-time clerks at Thompson's and their part-time helpers have become adept at sign language.
Tobias, along with two part-time helpers, currently builds about 10 electric basses per month at his shop in Woodstock, New York.
By shopping for groceries and tending to small household chores, a part-time helper can make continued independence possible.
She makes a pretax income of $1,000 a week, of which $200 goes to a part-time helper.
Gradually he and his crew of part-time helpers weeded out the unwanted greenery and began putting in other plants.
Working with three part-time helpers, she makes and sells table linens, scarves and throws.