In Vancouver he tried numerous jobs, including a sawmill worker, a night watchman, and a part-time janitor, as he took classes at Langara College.
The dozen companies that signed the new contract also agreed to convert all part-time janitors to full-time work in office buildings of more than 400,000 square feet.
Under the new pact, the maximum wage for full-time and part-time janitors will rise to $13.15 an hour over the life of the contract.
During his first year he worked at various jobs including part-time janitor at the University Club.
A part-time janitor said to be retarded, Mr. Jones was convicted even though blood samples from the crimes did not match his.
For example, a person who is a part-time janitor is generally thought to be going nowhere.
Mr. Phadima runs his theater - as comfortable as its American counterparts, though cleaner - with his wife, daughter and a part-time janitor.
It failed to obtain health coverage for all part-time janitors, because many cleaning companies said that would be too costly and would render them uncompetitive.
Reports that Mr. Buzzell had not turned up for work at the Lazy E. Arena, a rodeo ground near here where he was a part-time janitor.
Originally made to accommodate a part-time janitor or any type of laborer who would fire the boiler for a place to sleep, the room had been converted into a pad.