These part-time judges - most of whom are not lawyers - have been known to jail people without a plea or a trial.
Since 1984, he has been a part-time judge at the Old Bailey and elsewhere.
Ms. Pearl, a part-time judge who said she generally works full time, is not a lawyer.
In Georgia, part-time municipal judges may maintain a law practice.
"Being a part-time judge is one thing, serving the United States is something else."
At that point he continued as a part-time judge.
He was called to the bar in 1959 and rose to become a recorder (part-time judge) in 1979.
After serving as a part-time judge after moving to senior status, she later retired completely from the court.
He was previously a Recorder (part-time judge) and defence barrister.
During that time, 11 other full-time and 68 part-time judges were removed for misconduct.