Dr. Shuder volunteered his services as part-time minister to the group.
In November 2002, while working as a part-time minister, for an online department store, and as a casual laborer, Rowse started LivingRoom.org.
"Saddam has increased our business by 75 percent," said Neville Fleming, a part-time minister.
At Mr. Slack's service station, Edward Wyndham, a 64-year-old carpenter and part-time minister, remembers when gas stations gave away glassware to attract customers.
Her father, Allen Mueller, worked as a Miami and Key West police officer, a real-estate broker, and a part-time minister.
Derrick's brother Marvis had once been a deputy sheriff and was now a part-time minister and community activist.
As with most Mormon priesthood, the bishop is a part-time lay minister and earns a living through other employment; in all cases, he is a married man.
Many congregations have been forced to close or combine operations, to make do with part-time ministers or to import pastors from the developing world.
His father was an accountant and part-time Pentecostal minister.
A part-time minister will now replace Mr. Lopez, who decided to hand in his religious credentials.