In addition to agriculture, crafts were a part-time occupation and were not hereditary.
"I'd appreciate it if you would enlighten me about your part-time occupation."
Farming became a part-time occupation for many; for others a defense job was viewed as overtime work to supplement farm income.
Was panhandling his career or merely a part-time occupation?
Working in this office is not a part-time occupation.
Due to small farms, rice production is considered a part-time occupation by many farmers.
Through the 1970s gradually Canned Heat had become a part-time occupation with occasional gigs and recordings sessions.
Women are much more likely to have part-time jobs with 42% of females in a part-time occupation and 58% in full-time.
Pretty good for a business that had started out 0 as piecework enterprise, a part-time occupation for a S housewife!
Human rights are not a part-time occupation.