He was a part-time professor at what later became the Colorado School of Mines.
Since 1992, Bentley has worked as a part-time professor at Western.
The faculty includes 180 full and part-time professors from several different countries.
He retired in 1955, but stayed working as a part-time professor.
In 1936 he became a part-time professor, and from 1940 he was accepted for full-time.
He was eventually hired as a part-time professor at Wayne State.
He continued his career as a part-time professor and advisor at the University of Hawaii.
He served as a part-time professor in University of Madras from 1922 to 1925.
Some part-time professors, he said, earn $15,000 a year at age 55.
The need for part-time professors, known as adjuncts, is high right now.