So I cut their numbers in half and put the best ones on a part-time regular salary, instead.
Members of this management board might be paid a small part-time salary in addition to their normal council allowances.
The congregation can only afford part-time salaries for the rabbi and cantor.
Running is like a full-time job on a part-time salary.
There are currently 1,222, each paid a part-time salary for the undertaking of their duties.
And he lived on his part-time salary of $6,000 a year.
Sadly, the cost of living makes it difficult to survive on a part-time salary.
"We get part-time salaries of $73,000 a year and that was the understanding when we got elected," he continued.
Today, kids can afford one of these new cars even on a part-time salary.
In 1967, my mother spent three years' part-time salary on our family's only trip to Europe.