Do some part-time teaching in your work area 3.
At the end of her two year contract, she took up part-time teaching by day and waitressing by night.
She also piled on the part-time teaching and consulting jobs, pushing her income up to $80,000 a year.
On his release he returned to part-time teaching at the University of Maiduguri.
He then worked as a professional actor and did some part-time teaching before deciding to concentrate on writing.
There was to be a drive to recruit married women who had left teaching, and to make part-time teaching more attractive.
The number of lecturers choosing to combine part-time teaching with a second job in a related field is on the up.
She doesn't want to take alimony from Dad and she can't live on part-time teaching.
Others work part time at other jobs, including part-time teaching on other campuses.
Fellows who are graduate students are sometimes required to do part-time teaching or give other academic service.