This led to the partial abandonment of physical controls and a move towards financial disciplines for the nationalised industries.
Ball was certain that if the company didn't become profitable, the equipment and track would deteriorate to the point where some lines would become unsafe or unusable and require partial abandonment.
In 1902, two bills were presented to Parliament for the complete or partial abandonment of the railway.
Buildings that had stood for years, perhaps even decades, which had passed their prime and dwindled into their twilight, into senility and partial abandonment.
In the face of criticism from colleagues, he resisted even a partial abandonment of his majority leader's duties when they urged that upon him once he had clinched the nomination.
The building suffered partial abandonment and neglect as the city tried to find a new use for the historic structure.
The direct American language marked at least a partial abandonment of the Bush administration's two-year attempt to cajole China, using "financial diplomacy."
The Nullification Crisis forced a partial abandonment of the Whig position.
Some have suggested that this coincided with the building of the Antonine Wall in Scotland and the partial abandonment of Hadrian's Wall.
Still, this temporary TV scale-down and partial abandonment by some of its biggest stars never really endangered turbo-folk's survival or its essential popularity.