He suffered partial blindness for several years thereafter.
In his last years he was disabled by Parkinson's disease and partial blindness.
Due to his partial blindness, he had trouble walking alone in the nights and was unable to read during nights.
All I need is partial blindness in a place where reality literally can sneak up on you and bite.
Trenchard's difficulties were in some measure due to his partial blindness in one eye, a fact he kept secret.
Damage to the primary visual areas of the occipital lobe can leave a person with partial or complete blindness.
Looking directly at the Sun causes phosphene visual artifacts and temporary partial blindness.
Vernice Chambers, who retired from her job as a fashion industry sample maker because of partial blindness, started the league five years ago.
Weiss suffers partial blindness and memory loss, and distances herself from the author.
He also underwent laser eye surgery, due to his partial blindness.