Her proposals in the 2005 white paper to reduce the number and influence of parent governors in Trust Schools, were seen as a partial reversal of this earlier stance.
The Supreme Court's partial reversal of his finding caused bitter opposition in Congress.
Number Affected Is Unclear The partial reversal of the department's original decision, intended to ease political criticism, appeared to appease almost no one.
Thursday's partial reversal was an attempt to smooth over those competing interests, opening the path to the kinds of steel that are difficult or impossible to buy from American producers.
The removal of the files stirred outrage among fans, and the furor and partial reversal exposed disagreements over business philosophy among the band's surviving members.
Changes in collective bargaining structures have enabled local work reorganization, specifically the partial reversal of the Fordist paradigm of task fragmentation and ever-intensifying direct control.
It was also a partial reversal of Mr. Cavallo's free-market deregulation plan that he introduced in March 1991.
A decision to give up on the sale of the plastics business may also indicate a partial reversal of its recent plan to split into four parts.
An appeal by the magazine followed, resulting in a partial reversal of the judgment.
The reform of 2005 was not purely a partial reversal of previous reforms; some new spellings were introduced or excluded too, based on actual use.